Tom Steffek 9/26/99 Period 3
Townsend Act
Writs of assistance
Quatering Acts
Crispus Attucks
Committee of Corespondence
Tea Act
Intolerable Acts
Quebec Act
Crispus Attucks- Crispus Attucks was a slave. At the age of 27 he escaped and went to Boston
to work on the docks of the whaleships. He was a natural born leader. In
1770 the Boston Massacre started. The townspeople of Boston were having
a meeting about the British troops because they were out of control. A black
man, named Crispus Attucks, was the leader of the townspeople. The
townspeople were going against the British troops. The British troops were
arguing with the townspeople and told them to go home. The townspeople
refused to go home and they started fighting. The British troops shot and
killed five of the townspeople. Crispus Attucks was the first person to be shot
and killed. To honor Crispus Attucks and the four others killed in the Boston
Massacre, the black community of Boston built a memorial in the Boston